The CTK Library will operate differently during this Covid 19 season to maximize safety. The benefits of reading are far outreaching for our student’s education. Fictional materials can offer a relaxing distraction while inspiring creativity and training the brain in grammar, vocabulary and sentence structure. We would like to offer our CTK Library collection to all students. Below is the link to browse our library from any computer or chrome book.
Online Catalogue Tutorial:
The online library catalogue is now saved under the Student's Managed Bookmarks.
To find this, once they sign in to Chrome, there will be a folder called Managed Bookmarks.
Students may reserve up to four library books at a time on the online catalogue once they have used their CTK log-in. Their reserve info will be automatically sent to the librarian. I will email back once the books are ready for pick-up. Pick-up is on the desk just outside the library.
Returned books will sit for a week before being lent out again. The covers will be disinfected.
Books are available for one month, with the option to renew on the online catalogue or by emailing me directly.
If you have further questions regarding library or textbooks, please contact Mavis.Briand@starcatholic.ab.